GIF: My Logo <--- Your Logo Here

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There are 6 levels of headers (H1 - biggest, H6 - smallest)

Header Level 1

Header Level 2

Header Level 3

Header Level 4

Header Level 5
Header Level 6
You may want to include an image in-line with NetGate Communications text.

Some hypertext linked text.

HTML Tools and References

Some excellent jump points to other html tools and references.


If you would you like to be able to have someone send general e-mail to a specific address you can include a mailto URL on your page. Below is an example of a mailto URL.

Example E-mail Feedback Form

A feedback form is a common need. Below is an example of 2 such forms, the first written in Perl, the second written in the bourne shell. For additional information on the scripts look at the information we have available in the navigation section.

Perl Based Form

This form sends the contents of the "company name" and "full name" fields to the email address entered in the "e-mail" field.

Please enter your company name:
Please enter your full name:
Please enter your e-mail address:

Bourne Shell Based Form

This form sends the contents of the "company name" and "full name" fields to the email address entered in the "e-mail" field.

Please enter your company name:
Please enter your full name:
Please enter your e-mail address:

An image map example:
